Principal Air - Flight Training / Charter in Canada

Principal Air - Flight Training / Charter in Canada, Learn to Fly


Unit D 30460 Liberator Ave. (Just past the Main Terminal)
Abbotsford International Airport
V2T 6H5
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Welcome to Principal Air's PSTAR Exam and Study Guide section. The PSTAR study guide is intended to help students learn the material that comprises the PSTAR Exam. Currently, there are a number of web sites that present this material in various ways to help students achieve the passing mark of 90%. Some of these sites simply list the questions with the correct answers bolded out. We have found that with this format, students are memorizing the answers without ever learning how to read or understand the reference material. Other sites including Transport Canada list all the questions with a separate sections for looking up the references. This approach is good for teaching student how to navigate the CARS, AIM and RTORC but this becomes very tedious after a few questions. We have decided show the questions in each section individually with the applicable reference(s) just a click away.   

PSTAR (Pre Solo Test of Air Regulations)
Includes the following topics:

Simply click on any of the sections to view the questions.

 We are proud to offer this study guide free of charge,

but if you like what you see we do appreciate donations.